Safety in Mbabane

General Safety Tips

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

  • Always be conscious of your surroundings and stay alert.
  • Avoid displaying valuable items like expensive jewelry and electronics.

Use Reputable Transportation

  • Opt for licensed taxis or trusted rideshare services for safe transportation.
  • Ensure that the vehicle you’re in is properly marked and identifiable.

Mbabane, Eswatini

Health and Hygiene & Local Laws and Regulations

Vaccinations and Health Precautions

Check with your doctor for recommended vaccinations before traveling to Mbabane. Use mosquito repellent to protect against diseases like malaria.

Respect Local Customs

Familiarize yourself with Eswatini's culture and customs. Dress modestly when visiting religious or traditional sites.

Safe Food and Water

Consume only bottled or purified water to avoid stomach issues. Enjoy local cuisine, but make sure it's prepared at reputable restaurants.

Drug and Alcohol Laws

Know that drug use and excessive drinking are against the law in Eswatini.

Emergency Services

Know the location and contact details of your country's embassy in Mbabane.

Embassy Information

Know the location and contact details of your country's embassy in Mbabane.

Choose Secure Accommodations

Prioritize hotels and lodges with good security measures. Use in-room safes to store your valuables.

Stay Connected with Mbabane

Mbabane is a city that encapsulates the essence of Eswatini. From its vibrant markets to its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and warm cultural experiences, Mbabane has something to offer every traveler.


Keep Exploring

Plan a Trip to Mbabane

Explore Mbabane’s attractions, accommodations, and cultural experiences for a memorable journey.

Foresters Arms

Getting Around in Mbabane

Navigate the city with ease using taxis, rental cars, bi-cycle with cap and public transport options.

Visa Guide in Mbabane

Check visa requirements, application procedures, and entry regulations before your Mbabane visit.


Practical Information in Mbabane

Learn about local currency, language, and useful tips for a smooth stay in Mbabane.


Safety in Mbabane

Stay informed about safety precautions and local culture or tranding guidelines for a secure visit to Mbabane.


Things to Do in Mbabane

 Explore nature reserves, historical vibrant markets, Casino and cultural hotspots in Mbabane.